Friday, June 5, 2009

Filling the Days of Summer

My Mugger (who'll be 6 next week) is a planner and a doer. He likes to fill his days with activity and often enslaves me if he doesn't have something in mind to do by himself. That in mind, I've been bookmarking the following to help him fill his days on his own:
  • After seeing this on Etsy, entitled "216 Summer Ideas for Bored Children Printed Individually in a Mercantile Mason Jar Ages K thru 12," I've started my own list in a Word document so that I've got plenty of age-appropriate ideas.
  • Although, after seeing this on the Artful Parent, our list might take a more visual approach and be scattered around a doorway instead of hidden in a jar:
  • If I'm in need of some art ideas (that probably will require my assistance), I'll draw some from Artful Parent's list here. She entitled this "An Activity a Day for March," but there are lots of spring projects that will work well for summertime, too. At the end of her list of 31 projects, she also has a great list of ideas to put in her daughter's Fun Box.
  • Another great resource would be Blue Yonder Ranch's Book of Days. We purchased the May edition and didn't get past the first page (since Mugger got hooked on Rube Goldberg contraptions), but I'm guessing that with school ending next week, we'll be revisiting it and might want to purchase Summer, Book 1 as it looks like a good one.
  • For more ideas, I'll be checking out the links on the Summer Lovin' post on 30 Days and the "Mom, I'm Bored" summer edition of Works for Me Wednesday at We Are THAT Family. I should have no problem filling an idea jar with all the links at those two posts.
  • I don't know how much "academic" learning we'll undertake, given the kiddos' ages, but I do know that whatever we choose to study will be their choosing. I plan on checking in at the Summer Unschool on Vintage Chica from time to time to see how other families are taking their summers.
So that's it, a big list of links. Once Mugger and I put our heads together and decide what format this will all take, I'll have to post again. For now, I'm still in the collecting ideas stage, so if you have any favorite activities that 3 to 6 year olds can do without much direction, feel free to leave them in the comments and I'll add them to our master list.

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