Sunday, June 20, 2010

Other Half, the Artist

My posts mentioning Other Half lately have been about him rescuing me in the kitchen or teaching me to use power tools, but he's actually a man of many talents. To celebrate him this Father's Day, I thought I'd introduce you to Other Half, the Artist.We celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary this month, and this year, I was truly surprised by his gift. He decided to make me a water feature for our room -- before its installation I was falling asleep to fake waterfall sounds every night. He designed and crafted every inch of this fountain and I was left speechless when he presented it to me. Here's a close-up of the base where he stamped our wedding verse, Song of Solomon 8:6. Pretty good for his first stamping project, don't you think? We also had a dear friend graduate from high school this month, so Other Half decided to make him a piece of artwork he could take with him to college. This was not a piece of slate that he cut a cross shape through down the middle, but rather, Other Half saw how he could make a Christ figure out of various slate pieces and put them together like a jigsaw puzzle. With the nails and the distressed wood, it makes a cross like no other. And here's a close-up of the silver dog tag where he stamped My Rock & My Salvation. Again, I think it's spectacular, and not just because I've been his wife for 15 years!

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